Different spelling but sound the same with different meanings
Spelled the same and sound the same with different meanings
Homographs - Homophones
Homos - from Greek meaning
'the same'
There are many more, have students look them up
Back - Back
Bail - Bail
Band - Band
Bark - Bark
Bit - Bit
Block - Block
Boil - Boil
Bolt - Bolt
Bottom - Bottom
Can - Can
Coast - Coast
Check - Check
Chicken - Chicken
Crane - Crane
Date - Date
Deal - Deal
Determined - Determined
Dim - Dim
Draw - Draw
Duck - Duck
Fall - Fall
Fish - Fish
Flake - Flake
Fling - Fling
Foot - Foot
Flounder - Flounder
Fly - Fly
Farm - Farm
Graze - Graze
Groom - Groom
Harp - Harp
Heel - Heel
Jerk - Jerk
Left - Left
Match - Match
Mean - Mean
Notice - Notice
Part - Part
Pine - Pine
Play - Play
Port - Port
Pound - Pound
Remote - Remote
Right - Right
Row - Row
Seal - Seal
Set - Set
Shade - Shade
Sign - Sign
Slug - Slug
Spotted - Spotted
Spring - Spring
Story - Story
Still - Still
Tape - Tape
Tone - Tone
Treat - Treat
Train - Train
Tire - Tire
Trip - Trip
Watch - Watch
Wave - Wave
Wear - Wear
Will - Will
Add - Ad
Ail - Ale
Aile - Isle
Altar - Alter
Bale - Bail
Beat - Beet
Banned - Band
Ball - Bawl
Beat - Beet
Be - Bee
Bin - Been
Blew - Blue
Brake - Break
Bread - Bred
Carrot - Carat
Ceiling - Sealing
Cell - Sell
Cord - Chord
Dew - Do
Doe - Dough
Dye - Die
Dual - Duel
Flew - Flu
Flee - Flea
Fined - Find
Four - For
Fowl - Foul
Hair - Hare
Hangar - Hanger
Hear - Here
Herd - Heard
Him - Hymn
Hostile - Hostel
Hole - Whole
Hour - Our
Meat - Meet
Moose - Mousse
Must - Mussed
Night - Knight
Not - Knot
No - Know
Pale - Pail
Pane - Paine
Peace - Piece
Pray - Prey
Pride - Pried
Rain - Reign
Reeds - Reads
Sale - Sail
Sea - See
Sighed - Side
Sell - Cell
Shoe - Shoo
Soar - Sore
Sole - Soul
Tale - Tail
Toad - Towed
Time Thyme
Tow - Toe
Undo - Undue
Waist - Waste
Write - Right
Won - One
Wood - Whould
By - Bye - Buy
Sent - Scent - Cent
To - Two - Too