Improves coordination
"The Chain Line"
5 or more participants per group
ONE: The group lines up, facing the audience. Each group invents different movements.
The first student on the left starts a simple movement, as if working on a chain line. It can be very simple, pull an imaginary object down, or right to left, then pass "it" to the next student in line, who does something else with it (pulls it like a pizza?) and the passes it on. Meanwhile the first student is doing the same movement continues passing "it" on so there's no pause.
TWO: Add repetitive sounds.
For example
Reach up, grab something imaginary (brrrrum!) put it on an imaginary table, smash it. Pass it on to neighbor.
The second person takes the smashed object and pulls it high (froooo!) like taffy, twirls it once, and passes it on.
The third person can fold it (drrammm!) and pass it on.
The fourth person can punch a hole in the center, fill it (shlopp!) and pass it on....
As soon as the first person passes the smashed object s/he must reach up a second time, and a third, without pause so the chain moves smoothly.
(Please refer to the Sample Lesson Plan for the exercises)
Pan, Peck, Pin, Pop, Pup - Ran, Red, Rice, Row, Run
Bone, Roam, Cone, Foam, Dome, Chrome, Joan, Gnome, Home, Zone
CONJUGATE: To eat, To dream, To feed, To run
Three or more actors
Either print out the dialogue or write it on the blackboard.
Students go over the dialogue a few times. However, they do not have to say the exact words when it's their turn onstage. Encourage them to improvise. For ESL YOU CAN PUT THE SENTENCES ON THE BLACKBOARD.
A comes on stage and does a continuous movement. B passes by, stops, and observes A, who totally ignores B.
B- What are you doing? (A doesn't answer. B says, more loudly) What are you doing?
A- I'm practicing.
B- Practicing?
A- Don't you practice?
B- Well, I...
A- You have to practice.
B- Of course.
A- Every day. Otherwise it won't work.
B- Is that so? Can I try?
A- Sure. (B does the same movement.
C passes, stops to watch, then stands next to A and B to do the same movements...
You can have several students line up to do the same movement before changing.
Said the first little chicken with a strange little squirm, "I wish I could find a fat little worm."
Said the next little chicken with an odd little shrug, "I wish I could find fat little bug."
Said a third little chicken with a small sigh of grief, "I wish I could find a green little leaf!"
Chicken Dance Song
(To dance with)