Improves sensory skills
"The Blindman and the Guide"
You will need scarves or material to use as blindfolds for half the class. Pair up the students so that one is the
"blindman" and one is the "guide".
ONE: Each pair (blindman and guide) decide on a repetitive sound (beep, beep, zang, zang, ding, ding...)
When it is time to start the exercise the guide walks slowly in front of the blindman. S/he must say their code sound that the blindman will follow. If there are several pairs the guides must navigate carefully so the blindmen don't run into each other. They must go slowly so the blindmen can hear because there will be other sounds. It is not a competition !
Change roles
TWO: The guide is behind. Practice the "touch code" that the guide will use to guide the blindman.
STRAIGHT AHEAD: Touch just under the neck.
TO THE RIGHT: Touch on the right shoulder.
TO THE LEFT: Touch on the left shoulder.
STOP: Touch in the middle of the back.
The guide is responsible for avoiding running into another person. Change roles.
(Please refer to the Sample Lesson for the exercises)
Elate, Elevate, Elite, Elope, Elude - Karma, Kettle, Kitten, Kosher, Kumquat
Bitten, Kitten, Mitten, Smitten, Briton - Bite, Fight, Kite, Light, Might, Night, Plight, Right, Tight
CONJUGATE: To dig, To drink, To think
Two actors
For this exercise you will need
- Two blindfolds
- A suitcase or a large box,
- A pile of clothes and miscellaneous objects that will be scattered around the floor.
ONE: Two actors settle down to sleep, blindfolded. They say good night and so forth and fall asleep. There is an imaginary lamp between them.
TWO: One or two students are radio announcers to announce an emergency. For example:
"This is an emergency, you must leave your rooms immediately! You have two minutes to get out of your rooms! This is an emergency, you must leave your rooms, this is not a rehearsal....."
THREE: The two (blindfolded) sleepers wake up, try the "lamp" and realize there's no electricity. They give each other advice while, on their hands and knees, they hunt for the clothes to put in the suitcase/box. They must keep speaking so they don't run into each other. The audience is encouraged to help them find their belongings. After a couple of minutes have the radio announcer says, "Time's up!"
FOUR: The clothes are scattered and another pair takes their place.
Eleven eloquent and elegant elephants elevated in the elevator.
The zany zebra zipped and zig-zagged to meet Zorro at the zoo.
"The Elephant"
By Hilaire Belloc
When people call this beast to mind, they marvel more and more
At such a little tail behind, so large a trunk before.
Meerkats recognize each other’s voices, just as humans do.
They collaborate and baby-sit each other's pups.
Meerkat clans, also known as mobs and gangs, hunt together with lookouts who rotate regularly and rely on distinct calls to communicate to the other meerkats in their community.
If a predator is detected, the gang will gather to harass, bite and claw until it retreats or is killed
They use their bellies to keep warm. During the day they expose their bellies to the sun to absorb heat so they stay warm during the chilly nights.